Design support for the 21st century: Design Collaboration

Part 1: From hand-holding to startup financing.
Part 2: Principles of design collaboration and the design audit.
Published by ddp Design Fair/Seoul Design Foundation, 2021 (Korean).

Analysing the Digital: Transformations, Territories, Frames and Uses

An ontological framework to analyse digital space.
Published in The Design Journal / Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Design Conference "Design For Next" 2017.

Towards Experience Design

The definition for an emerging discipline: Experience Design.
Published by Danish Designers.

From design to Design

What is Design?
Published by Danish Designers.

The Age of Stance

This article presents concepts for new viewpoints in the relationship of marketing and design: ego-brands, communities of stance, co-creation, product presence.
Published by Danish Designers.

Alchemy of Cultures

Mario Gagliardi discusses the influence of culture on branding and design. Here, he argued as the first author in design management for the inclusion of cultural factors within the design process.
Published by The Design Management Institute.

Transcribing Codes: Models for Cultural Fit in Branding

Following up on the article 'Alchemy of Cultures', this article describes a practical framework for 'cultural fit' in design and branding.

A New Taxonomy of the Design Process

This article discusses the creative process and the broad potential of generative design.
Published by Danish Designers.

Imitated, Commodified, Experienced (Imiteret, kommercialiseret, oplevet)

A new framework for the integration of design in business by analyzing global economic development stages.
Published by the Danish Design Center. (Danish/English).

La Marca Es...

In this article, Mario Gagliardi introduces brand metaphors and the concept of 'contact points' for products and brands.
Published by Identico (Spanish).

지식경제시대 디자인이 짊어질 기회와 도전

This article discusses the challenges and chances for design management in the age of the knowledge economy.
Published by Monthly Design (Korean).

Where will Design go from here?

New considerations on functionality for digital product narratives.
Published by Monthly Design (Korean).

The Message of Objects

Analysing the Narratives of Product Design: What makes a product 'fun'?
Published by the Korean Institute of Design Promotion in "Future of Industrial Design" (Korean).

Mit dem Design Briefing zum Unternehmensziel

How to write an effective Design Briefing.
Published by Austrian Designstiftung (German).


FUTURE CITY, curated and presented by Mario Gagliardi.
MAK Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna and Vienna Art Week 2018.
FUTURE FASHION AND FOOD: Performance (00:00)
FUTURE TRANSPORT: Presentation (04:03)
FUTURE SOCIETY: Talk (30:33)

Video: Creative Beach

An interactive virtual world for creators. Users can interact and create 3D artwork in shared interactive sculpture spaces.

Video: IOTAO

IOT - enabled domestic cooking devices reinterpreting the forms and myths of ancient Chinese vessels.

Video: Aura

Augmented reality concept for historical sites and museums.
Finalist in the Playable Museum Awards 2018 of Museo Marino Marini in Florence, Italy.

Video: Tamatama

Drones as medium for advertisement and promotion, creating surprise and provoking conversation.
Finalist in the Playable Museum Awards 2018 of Museo Marino Marini in Florence, Italy.

Video: Revoir

A platform to enable audience participation with visual media through emotion detection.
Finalist in the Playable Museum Awards 2018 of Museo Marino Marini in Florence, Italy.

Video: Centomila Giochi

Fusing art, design and the experience of a game, Centomila Giochi takes the genre of first-person shooter games with their point-of-view aesthetic, but replaces its environments with ever-changing exhibitions of art, design, architecture and fashion.

Video: ReSeeing

A promenade about perception, presented by Mario Gagliardi (2005).

Video: Dynamic Brand

A brand which changes according to the mood of its audience. This brand family is not defined by prescribed colors or shapes, but by its specific structures, rythms and movements.

Presentation: Analyzing the Digital

Presentation at the 12th European Academy of Design Conference "Design Next", Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 2017.

Presentation: Imago Mundi - Strategy and Structure of Globalisation

Presentation by Mario Gagliardi at Innotown Innovation Conference 2002, Aalesund, Norway.

Presentation: The Design Briefing

Presentation and workshop by Mario Gagliardi at the Rat für Formgebung / German Design Council (German).

Presentation: Decision-making by design

How do we decide for or against something, and what has design got to do with it?
Presentation by Mario Gagliardi at the special session of the Chamber of Commerce during the era 05 design congress in Copenhagen.

Presentation: The World as Will and Idea

Starting from Schopenhauers's famous work, Mario Gagliardi explores the history of ideas.
Keynote presentation at the era 05 design congress in Copenhagen.

Presentation: Where are you from?

Presentation by Mario Gagliardi at Kaospilots School for Creative Leadership, Aarhus, Denmark.

Presentation: The Gap between Design and Management

What divides, what unites these two disciplines?
Presentation by Mario Gagliardi at the University of Westminster, London.

Presentation: Zeitgeist

Trends and what they can tell us about society and design.
Presentation by Mario Gagliardi at the Product Development and Management Association, London.